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AIS, HR Self-Service, and Database Password Standards

All Passwords/Passphrases will expire 365 days from the last time they were changed.

Database Password/Passphrase only: Fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date, a notice to change your password/passphrase will appear at each login until the pasword/pasphrase is changed.  An email notice will not be sent.

Password/Passphrase requirements:

  • Must be between 16 and 30 characters in length
  • Must contain one or more of these special characters: ?.][}{-!*+_~
  • Spaces are not allowed
  • Cannot be reused
  • May include upper case and lower case letters
  • May be in the form of a passphrase, e.g. "Fido+1makesthree!"

Passphrases must not:

  • Contain your name or username.
  • Be a common phrase (e.g., "an arm and a leg" or "between a rock and a hard place").
  • Be based on predictable patterns (e.g., "abcdefg" or "123456").

Passphrases are recommended as a secure alternative to password creation.  The use of distinguishing words, separated by one or more non letters, is a good practice.  For example:

  • "will_be+Saluki4life" contains four "words", and would therefore be a vaild passphrase.

For more information on password/passphrase security click here.

Instructions to Change Your Database Password

There are two ways to change your password. (Printable Version)

Option 1

  1. After opening Golden, enter your User ID and password.
  2. Change Database to: ais
  3. Click OK
  4. From the Toolbar select:  File --> Change Password
  5. Type in your current password.  Then using the password standards, type in a new password and repeat.  Click OK.
  6. Click ok again. This confirms that your password has been changed. It will be copied to RPT tomorrow morning.

Option 2

  1. After opening Golden, enter your User ID and password.
  2. Change Database to: ais
  3. Click OK
  4. Enter the following syntax, replacing the italicized with the appropriate items. alter user "USERNAME" identified by "Newpass2!" REPLACE "OldPass#1";
  5. Run the script.

Forget your password?
