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Get Access
Welcome! Let us help get you started. Below, are instructions on accessing Human Resources Self-Service (HRSS), Administrative Information Systems (AIS), and AIS Database. View our Knowlege Base for answers to common questions about access, passwords, and settings.
The AIS maintenance window (includes AIS, HRSS, and AIS Database) is from 6 a.m. to midnight on Saturdays.
- Get Access to HRSS
- Get Access to AIS
- Get Access to AIS Database
HRSS Instructions
Human Resources Self-Service (HRSS) is an element of SIU's Administrative Information Systems which allow SIU employees to view their employment information online. With the implementation of HRSS, employee Payslips and annual W-2 forms will be available in pdf format for viewing, printing or downloading. In time, other employment information will also be available.
How do I get access?
All employees will be granted access to HRSS, automatically. Login with your Network ID (SIU employees) or your entire email address (SIUSOM employees) as the User Name at: During the initial login, employees will create their own Password. Instructions are provided in the HRSS self-directed training tutorials.