Reznet Acceptable Use Policy

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The residence hall network at Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC) is known as “RezNet” and its purpose is to provide data connectivity for educational and instructional purposes. The "RezNet" network includes wired and wireless networks (such as "eduroam" and "SIU-limited") in the SIU residence halls. Access to "RezNet" at SIU Carbondale is a privilege and must be treated as such by all "RezNet" users. Each resident has the responsibility to utilize the service appropriately and in compliance with all University, City, County, State, and Federal laws and regulations. The SIUC Office of Information Technology (OIT) reserves the right to restrict access without notice and enforce the terms of this policy.

  1. "RezNet" users will not hold OIT, SIUC, or SIU System (SIU)  liable for malicious acts by other network users.
  2. "RezNet" services are for the use of SIUC residents only.
  3. Commercial or for-profit use of "RezNet" is prohibited.
  4. Each "RezNet"user is responsible for any and all activity associated with their Network ID.
  5. Network ID owners are prohibited from sharing their Network ID and password.
  6. List of Prohibited Network Devices: routers, wireless access points, wireless printers, proxy servers, DSL modems, gateways or hardware firewalls (software firewalls are allowed).
  7. Use of any wireless device that interferes with the wireless network is prohibited.
  8. Any attempts to impersonate or duplicate the "RezNet" wireless network are strictly prohibited.
  9. It is incumbent upon all "RezNet" users to comply with the security standards enforced on the network.
  10. "RezNet" and bandwidth are shared resources. Consequently, network users or applications that use excessive bandwidth or otherwise inhibit or interfere with the use of the wireless network by others is not permitted.
  11. Bandwidth is allocated on a per Network ID basis; meaning each Network ID is allocated a set amount of bandwidth.
  12. OIT reserves the right to immediately disconnect any computer temporarily if the computer is found to contain malicious software in order to protect the network. It is the responsibility of the user to make sure their computer has current virus protection software installed and operational. The user's "RezNet" connection will be restored when it has been determined that the user's computer is completely free of malicious software.
  13. Any personally owned computing equipment or devices that allow sharing of resources must be password protected, and restricted to only those individuals who expressly have permission to access that resource.
  14. "RezNet" users are prohibited from accessing a connected resource, to which they have not obtained express permission to that resource even when a password is not enforced.
  15. All applicable copyright laws, licenses, etc. apply to "RezNet" use. "RezNet" may only be used for legal purposes. Using "RezNet" to access systems, software, and data that the user is not authorized to is a violation of this policy. Sharing any copyrighted material(s) (including MP3 files from copyrighted music, media, and digitized video from copyrighted motion pictures, etc.) is prohibited unless specifically authorized by the copyright owner.
  16. "RezNet" may not be used to provide Internet or SIUC network access to anyone other than those individuals contractually residing in the SIU residence hall.
  17. Webcams are permitted for personal use only, for example: peer-to-peer chats. All other use is prohibited.
  18. Any user who circumvents or attempts to circumvent the "RezNet" security systems, or any other campus security mechanism, will be subject to immediate termination of service and possible disciplinary action.
  19. "RezNet" network software, services, and physical media may not be modified or extended; to include wireless access points, wiring, and/or hardware.
  20. Costs to repair physical damage to the "RezNet" wireless access points, conduit, etc., will be charged to the resident(s).
  21. Use of additional networks must be in compliance with the rules and acceptable use policies of those networks and resources. This includes but is not lim8ited to the campus network “SIUNET” and resources, the Internet, and Internet2.
  22. Use of additional networks must be in compliance with the rules and acceptable use policies of those networks and resources. This includes but is not lim8ited to the campus network “SIUNET” and resources, the Internet, and Internet2.
  23. "RezNet" users are prohibited from probing or data collection on "RezNet".
  24. This policy allows for monitoring of data network traffic/activities by authorized University personnel without prior consent of the originator of said traffic/activity. OIT reserves the right to immediately disconnect any device that is disrupting the network regardless of cause.
  25. If you suspect unauthorized access or other malicious activity; immediately report the problem to SalukiTech.


Phone: (618) 453-5155


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