U3 Fiscal Officer Trng

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Unit 3: Fiscal Officer/ Delegate Inquiry & Reporting

Unit 3 is a series of educational tutorials available for those with Fiscal Officer/Delegate responsibilities within AIS.

New Users:

These eLearning Tutorials will help you become familiar with the Fiscal Officer/ Delegate Inquiry & Reporting function. If you would like additional help, contact your campus coordinator to set up a time and location.

Tutorials may be repeated as often as necessary. 

Begin by clicking on the Module 3: Learning Cycle 1: Cash Balance Inquiry link. There are five Modules in the Fiscal Officer/ Delegate Inquiry & Reporting Unit. View the tutorials as they become available and repeat as often as necessary.  

Module 1: Supplier Inquiry Overview

Module 2: Invoice Overview & Invoice Inquiry

  • Learning Cycle 1: Invoice Overview
  • Learning Cycle 2: Invoice Inquiry

Module 3: Account Inquiry Overview

Module 4: Funds Inquiry Overview

  • Learning Cycle 1: Funds Available Inquiry

Module 5: Reporting Overview


Your Opinion Counts

  • We would appreciate feedback on the self-directed training for Unit 3: Fiscal Officer Delegate Inquiry & Reporting. Please email any suggestions or comments to it-ais@siu.edu