What paper sizes are allowed?
- 8.5" x 11" - Letter
- 11" x 17" - Tabloid or Ledger (Not available in all locations. View Printer Locations tab for more information).
Who is eligible to print?
Any SIU faculty, staff or student with a valid ID card (who has added funds to their Debit Dawg account) is eligible to print.
What if I'm not affiliated with SIU?
Public patrons of the library may print using a special card available for purchase at the library. These cards will be pre-loaded with 50₵ of available funds and will cost $1.00. You may add additional money to the card using the same machine. The cards can be used in any of the vending copy machines and at the print release stations.
There is something wrong with the printer. To whom do I report this?
If you are printing from one of the Computer Learning Centers, or a location with staff on duty, you may ask a lab technician for assistance. If you are printing from another location on campus, please contact SalukiTech at 618-453-5155. You will need the following information when calling: printer number (if available) or name, location (building and room number), and your contact information including name, phone number, and email address.
Can I print from my Smartphone?
Yes, you may use the MobilePrint link here to print from your smartphone.
Can I purchase print cards for use in my department?
Yes, contact the Student ID/Debit Dawg office at (618) 453-3493 for more information.
Can I send a print job from a location off campus?
Yes, you are able to print from off-campus to select printers on-campus using the VPN client with the Printing Popup client, as well as an internet connection. Please refer to the Printing Instructions tab for more details.
Can I send a print job from a the residence halls?
Yes, you are able to print to select printers on-campus using eduroam and the Printing Popup client. You can also print via the VPN client with the Printing Popup client, as well as an internet connection. Please refer to the Printing Instructions tab for more details.
Can I use my Debit Dawg for copying as well?
How do I print from my wireless laptop?
For instructions, please go to the Printing Instructions tab and select which operating system you have. The instructions will walk you though the steps needed to print using your wireless laptop as well as any on / off campus connection
How long will my print job stay in the queue?
24 hours.
How do I get a refund or reprint a document that was printed incorrectly due to a printer malfunction?
To reprint your document see the supervisor on duty. Be prepared to provide the supervisor with your Student ID, Network ID/Dawg Tag Number, time the document was printed, and printer location. In the case of a poor quality printout, also bring your printout. If you have saved a copy of your document and can send it again, the supervisor on duty can either reprint your document or direct you to the proper area for a refund. If no staff is on duty and you require a refund, please fill out a Refund Request Form (know you will need to provide the same information you would provide a supervisor above).
Are the HP M553 printers environmentally friendly?
Yes, these printers are designed to conserve energy and produce significantly less waste without sacrificing efficiency and performance.
What are the office hours of SalukiTech printing services?
The printers are available for use at any time the location is open for business. Support for printing issues is available through SalukiTech.